Aug 14 2004

Freedom Vessel

With the help of many, I was able to restore a rusted, straight six, ‘81 Jeep Scrambler into The Freedom Vessel: Chariot of Adventure. This Chariot not only moved its occupants through time and space, incredible landscapes, inclement weather and into broad strong friendships, but through the adventure of life.

The Jeep is an extension of my movement and philosophy through life. Confidently open to all the elements it encounters, willing to take the good with the bad, able to fix about almost anything that could go wrong, and most of all, if life got difficult, you could slam it in 4×4, lock in the hubs and hammer the gas through it. Forget the road signs of conformity; I’ll make my own road. Rollin’ on with the eyes of fire lit inside the cow skull, cigar lit, the Dead cranked above the sound of the wind and rain, living each sweet turn of the wheel – wild eyed, smiling, and enjoy in the ride.