Dec 11 2006

Iraq-18 Months

The emotions of worry, exhaustion, hunger, suspicion, confusion, hope, and the blank stare of numbness can be found on the faces of these men. I worked with these men in hopes of building a better life of stability and security for their country and loved ones. It was a profoundly emotional struggle. Strong friendships were made. In the end neither they nor I will be able to judge if our time was well spent. That answer will come from the generations to follow. Together these Men and I ran cranes and heavy equipment to build a Military Base. Each day they risked their lives to earn in one hour what they made in one month under Saddam. At the end of the day we hoped that we had laid a small piece of the foundation in which prosperity, health, and peace would be built upon. Only time will tell if the toil and risk were worth it.